Blogging in the Rain

Our Life in the Country

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

This Old House is ready to sell

A new coat of paint does wonders.
So does 12 new windows, 7 new doors, 1 exterior french door, 8 elliptical archways, 3 new kitchen cabinets with 24 ft. of matching crown trim, 16 new oak stair treads, new oak hand rail, 14 new balusters, more Sheetrock than we care to remember, 3 - 5 gal. pails of drywall mud, 3 bags of texture, about 25 gallons of interior paint, miles of baseboard, door & window casing, 2 wall heaters, 2 baseboards heaters, 12 sheets of bead board (for wainscot), 2 closet organisers, 2 bathtubs, 2 bath sinks with vanities, one new toilet, At least a dozen light fixtures, boxes of outlet and switch covers,120 yards of carpet, approx. 400 square feet of ceramic and travertine, A new fireplace mantel, and a bunch of misc. stuff that's just too numerous too mention 2 roll off dumpsters to haul off trash from previous occupants, and last but not least....six months of labor from the Two of Us.

Living and Dining


A sparkling new kitchen